The science park as one of the factors for creating a national ecological network in Ukraine


  • O.А.  Mandrazhy Mandrazhy О. А. — PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Physics and Higher Mathematics, Kharkiv National Agrarian University named after V. V. Dokuchayev, Kharkiv, Ukraine, [email protected]; ORCID ID:



Existing concepts of technological intensification of agricultural production in our country and in most other countries are excessive chemicalization, high concentration of livestock, irrational organization of enterprises structure, passion for monocultures etc. Described above leads to negative environmental consequences, namely, soil depletion, environmental pollution, rising production costs. The consequence of this is a high energy intensity of the product with its low quality. Intensive and often irrational use of natural resources has led to their exhaustion and destruction of natural landscapes. Thus, it is necessary to solve two main groups of issues. Firstly, production of a sufficient quantity and quality of food and agricultural raw materials. Secondly, preservation and restoration of environmental and population health to an acceptable level. The actual problems are development and implementation of environmentally friendly systems of farming, access these systems to organic production, creating sustainable agroecosystems, integration agricultural sector with nature reserve fund. In our opinion, one way decision is creating a science park. The analysis of the activities of existing science parks in Ukraine suggested to establish a science park on the basic of the Kharkiv National Agrarian University named after V. V. Dokuchayev. The science park, which would target creation of a holistic national ecological network with the introduction of the revival of traditional nature management, attraction of natural resources to mass recreation and health improvement of the population, by making significant adjustments to the further development of the agro-industrial complex. The given thoughts is basis of this article. This article outlined the main stages of the development of a project to create a science park at KNAU named after V. V. Dokuchayev, some abstracts of projects of winners of previous years, compliance of the content of submitted projects with the main criteria for their evaluation.


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How to Cite

 Mandrazhy, O. (2021). The science park as one of the factors for creating a national ecological network in Ukraine. Scientific Notes of Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, (2(18), 14–22.