
  • Yu. I. Zavalevskyi D. Sc. in Pedagogy, Professor, First Deputy Director, SSI “Institute of education content modernization”, Kyiv, Ukraine, [email protected]; ORCID ID:
  • N. I. Gushchуna PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor of the Department of Open Educational Systems and Information and Communication Technologies, SIHE “University of Education Management” of NAPS of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine, [email protected]; ORCID ID:
  • I. P. Vasylashko head of the sector of innovative forms and methods of activity of pedagogical workers of STEM-Education Department, SSI “Institute of education content modernization”, Kyiv, Ukraine, [email protected]; ORCID ID:
  • O. V. Korshunova methodologist of the sector of innovative forms and methods of activity of pedagogical workers of the department of STEM-education, SSI “Institute of education content modernization”, Kyiv, Ukraine, [email protected]; ORCID ID:
  • O. O. Patrykeieva head of the STEM-Education Department, SSI “Institute of education content modernization”, Kyiv, Ukraine, [email protected]; ORCID ID:



educational and research activities, STEM education, IT technologies, STEM technologies.


The article analyzes the experience of introducing a research teaching method using IT and STEM technologies in institutions of general secondary education based on the implementation of the all-Ukrainian project “I am a researcher”. The concepts of educational and research activities, the readiness for its implementation and various aspects of the organization of such activities in the educational process are considered. The theoretical and methodological components (motivational-value, cognitive, practical-activity, reflexive-evaluative) of students’ readiness to carry out educational and research activities and teachers’ readiness to organize such activities have been determined. The levels of the readiness for research activities are characterized: high, sufficient and basic. The results of studies of the state of readiness for research activities of applicants for education using IT and STEM technologies for certain components, indicators and levels are presented. The article presents a description of the pedagogical conditions for the introduction of a research teaching method using IT and STEM technologies in general secondary education institutions as: the improving the content of educational provision and creating modern educational content based on the research teaching method and STEM approaches; development and implementation of a set of management decisions in experimental institutions on the basis of partnership interaction not only of all participants in the educational process, but also of local authorities, employers, business representatives and other stakeholders; creation of scientific and methodological support for the training of teachers and their acquisition of practical experience in the development of research competence of applicants for education based on STEM and IT approaches; participation of school teams in various festivals, competitions, competitions, other motivational STEM events and research areas. The complex of innovative educational products is presented, which includes educational and teaching aids of the I-researcher series for the middle level of education, the didactic system of natural-mathematical primary education “I am a 2.0 researcher” in the first cycle of primary school. The article reflects the promising trends in the further implementation of the research method of teaching using IT and STEM technologies in institutions of general secondary education on the basis of the didactic system of natural and mathematical primary education “I am a researcher 2.0”.


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How to Cite

Zavalevskyi , Y., Gushchуna N., Vasylashko, I., Korshunova, O., & Patrykeieva, O. (2022). CREATING PEDAGOGICAL CONDITIONS FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF RESEARCH METHODS OF TEACHING USING IT AND STEM-TECHNOLOGIES IN GENERAL SECONDARY EDUCATION. Scientific Notes of Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, (2-3(21-22), 50–61.