
  • Yu. P. Anosova teacher, Kherson Polytechnic Professional College of Odessa National Polytechnic University, Kherson, Ukraine, [email protected]; ORCID ID:
  • O. V. Naumkinа teacher, Kherson Polytechnic Professional College of Odessa National Polytechnic University, Kherson, Ukraine, [email protected]; ORCID ID:
  • O. P. Silishchenko teacher, Kherson Polytechnic Professional College of Odessa National Polytechnic University, Kherson, Ukraine, [email protected]; ORCID ID:



cognitive-communicative approach, blog technology, wiki technology, podcast, linguistic corpus.


The article considers the essence and basic interpretations of the “cognitive-communicative approach” (CCA) concept, defines its characteristics and qualities, identifies the features of its application in institutions of professional prehigher education (PPHE) of Ukraine. The intercultural competence development problem as an indicator of the person’s ability to effectively participate in foreign language communication at the intercultural level formation is outlined. It is noted that a thorough knowledge of a foreign language is necessary for students of polytechnic institutions of PPHE for mobility, further career growth, competitiveness, communication with foreigners on a professional and personal level, expanding worldview, etc. The authors of the article identified the CCA as an approach to teaching English during both full-time and distance learning. The basic principles of this approach aimed at developing the competence of expressing the communicative intention of the student are characterized and systematized. The concepts of categorical features and terminological tools of the CCA have been clarified. The terms “blog technology”, “wiki technology”, “podcast” and “linguistic corpus” are defined. Possibilities of the educational and cognitive skills and abilities development which are provided by each of the mentioned technologies are considered. The authors described the methodological and pedagogical problem of educational material organization and processing in the polytechnic institutions students communicative and cognitive competence formation process. The article proposes the principles of processing educational material, which contribute to the development of language competencies of PPHE students of Ukraine. The socially conditioned need to use distance learning as a means of mastering the skills of students independent work in learning a foreign language is substantiated.


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How to Cite

Anosova, Y. P. ., Naumkinа O. V. ., & Silishchenko, O. P. . (2021). COGNITIVE-COMMUNICATIVE APPROACH DURING ENGLISH LEARNING IN POLYTECHNICAL INSTITUTIONS OF PROFESSIONAL ADVANCED EDUCATION . Scientific Notes of Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, (1(17), 22–28.