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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, ODF, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is 1.5-spaced; uses a 14-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines


According to the Resolution of the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine "On increasing the requirements for professional publications included in the lists of the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine" of January 15, 2003 № 7-05/1 and the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine of October 17, 2012 № 1111, scientific articles must contain the following elements:

- problem statement in general and its connection with important scientific or practical tasks;

- analysis of recent research and publications, where the solution of this problem has been initiated;

- outline of unresolved issues to which the article is devoted;

- formulation of the purposes and goals of the article, which the author seeks to achieve;

- the main material of the study;

- providing the obtained scientific results;

- conclusions and prospects for further explorations in this direction.

The author is responsible for the accuracy of the quotations given in the text, as well as for all factual material. The opinion of the authors may not coincide with the opinion of the editors. All manuscripts submitted to the editorial office are checked for uniqueness using the Unicheck text matching service. The editors execute double anonymous review of manuscripts: the author and the reviewer are not informed of each other's names.


  1.  The Editorial board makes a decision on paper publication after the prepublication peer review procedure.

  2.  Correspondence of the papers with the scientific specialization of the journal shall be determined by the Editor in Chief who appoints for each article reviewers among leading Ukrainian or foreign specialists.

  3.  In our journal practiced double-blind review: reviewers are unaware of the identity of the authors, and authors are also unaware of the identity of reviewers. There are at least ten or more reviewers for the total number of articles in each issue.

  4.  Within two days the Editor in chief assistants inform the author of the paper acceptance for consideration. Editor in chief personally sends the article to reviewers and gets them to text reviews.

  5.  A review examines the following:

    •  originality and scientific novelty of article;

    •  correct citation;

    •  correspondence between the paper content and the title;

    •  cases of double translation;

    •  consideration of the latest publications in the area of philosophical study, covered by the paper.

    •  A review includes final decision on whether the paper is accepted for publication, needs follow-up revision or rejected.

    •  Reviewers also describe the shortcomings in the paper which, being not subject to scientific discussion, may be corrected by the authors.

  6.  Editor in chief makes a list of reviewers’ remarks and sends it to the author.

  7.  Editor in chief has the right to add the own comments to the expert remarks.

  8.  The revised paper shall be submitted for consideration of the previous experts. 

  9.  Editor in Chief never disclose the names of reviewers.

  10.  If all reviewers' conclusions are positive/negative, it is usually the main reason for making the article for publication / rejection. But the Editorial board, in some cases, have the right to disagree with the decision of the reviewers, if will be good reason for this.

  11.  If the evaluation of the reviewers on some articles diverging, the Editorial board takes a special decision: accepted / reject those articles or assign new reviewers.

  12.  If an article is rejected, the Editor in chief assistants inform the author via e-mail of the reasons for the refusal.

  13.  Rejected articles may not be considered again. The Editorial board not discussing with authors about the reasons of articles’ rejection.


The UDC index is placed before the title of the article.

Information about the author: second name, first name and patronymic, scientific degree, academic title, position and place of work (study) with indication of the city, ORCID ID (, email, phone. This information must be submitted in three languages: Ukrainian, Russian, English. The name and surname of the author are transliterated in accordance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “On streamlining the transliteration of the Ukrainian alphabet into Latin” of January 27, 2010 № 55 (

The title, annotation and keywords of the article must be submitted in two languages: Ukrainian, English. The length of the annotation in one language must be at least 1800 characters (one page of text). Keywords - from three to five.

The author is responsible for the quality and content of the English-language block.

The volume of the main text of the article (without annotations and literature) should be at least 0.5 pp./12 pages/21600-22000 characters with spaces.

The total volume of the article should not exceed 25 pages.

The main text of the article should be 10-12 pages long (references, annotations, keywords of the specified volume are not taken into account). Page settings: A4 format, font - Times New Roman, size - 14, spacing - 1.5, margins: top margin - 30 mm, bottom margin - 30 mm, left margin - 30 mm, right margin - 15 mm, paragraph indent - 10 mm. In the electronic version, tables, diagrams and figures made in the Word text editor must be grouped. References to sources in the text should be given in the order of their citation in the text of the article in square brackets indicating the page numbers of the source (for example, [1, p. 235] or [2, p. 8; 3, p. 45]). References to all sources listed in the list of sources used are required.

The list of references should be 12-14 sources long (optimal number) and should not contain references to the author of the current article. The list of used sources is to be given after the text and should be designed in accordance with the standards of bibliographic reference (NSU 8302:2015 "Bibliographic reference. General provisions and rules of compilation", NSU 3582:2013 "Information and documentation. Bibliographic description. Abbreviations of words and phrases in Ukrainian. General requirements and rules "). Additionally, References (transliterated bibliography), should be prepared according to the international bibliographic standard APA - American Psychological Association (see links to the rules of transliteration of the Ukrainian language - [паспортний (КМУ 2010)].

Most of the sources should reflect the current state of scientific research and be no older than 5-10 years. Preference should be given to materials with high impact index and basic monographs that have a DOI, which must be indicated by a space after the bibliographic description of the source in the bibliography. DOI of publications can be found at Preference should be given to primary sources included in Web of Science or Scopus.


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Copyright Notice

The Scientific Notes of Minor Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Sensing adheres to an open access policy. All content is freely available and free for all users and / or their institutions. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search or link to the full texts of articles or use them for any other legitimate purposes without the prior permission of the publisher or author. This is in line with the BOAI definition of open access (Budapest Open Access Initiative) - the Budapest Open Access Initiative for Scientific Literature. Quotations, figures, tables from articles are submitted only with the correct link to the journal (author, article title, journal name, year of issue, number, page, figure or table number, DOI articles). Full-text access to all scientific articles of all issues is presented on the journal's official website in the Archive section.

Licensing conditions: the authors retain the copyright and grant the journal the right to first publish to the work, simultaneously licensed in accordance with the Creative Commons Attribution License International CC-BY, which allows you to share the work with proof of authorship of the work and initial publication in this journal.

Privacy Statement

Any manuscripts submitted for the review, are considered as confidential documents. They shall not be shown or discussed with others, except when agreed with the editor. Unpublished materials disclosed in submitted manuscript shall not be used by the reviewer in his/her own research without written authorization of the author. Information that is not a subject to disclosure or ideas obtained at peer-review shall be confidential and shall not be used for personal advantage.

The editorial board does not disclose the information that has become known at the research of submitted papers and other materials, except for the author, reviewer (reviewers).

Privacy Statement

Any manuscripts submitted for the review, are considered as confidential documents. They shall not be shown or discussed with others, except when agreed with the editor. Unpublished materials disclosed in submitted manuscript shall not be used by the reviewer in his/her own research without written authorization of the author. Information that is not a subject to disclosure or ideas obtained at peer-review shall be confidential and shall not be used for personal advantage.
The editorial board does not disclose the information that has become known at the research of submitted papers and other materials, except for the author, reviewer (reviewers).