
  • O. O. Derevianko Primary school teacher, Sloviansk special school № 23 of Donetsk regional council, Sloviansk, Ukraine, [email protected]; ORCID ID:



inclusive education of junior schoolchildren, innovative approaches in education, competence approach, experience of a pedagogue, sensory experience of children.


The article emphasizes the need to modernize the competence training of primary school students with visual impairments, identified ways and factors to improve the content of inclusive education through the use of adapted STEM-techniques. Among the outlined current tasks of the modern school is the implementation of the competence approach in learning, the focus of the educational process on the formation and development of personal competencies. We are talking about competence as a new unit of human education, with emphasis on learning outcomes, which are not the amount of learned knowledge, skills, abilities, and the ability to act in a variety of problem situations. In fact, the life of blind people is a continuous process of trials, research, tactile examinations, tests, attracting information from all analyzers through compensatory processes, perception by ear, touch, temperature and reflection – this is one modern concept and can be called STEM. From the experience of the typhlopedagogue in the article the primary tools of the preparatory stage for the introduction of STEM-approaches in teaching are highlighted. Depending on the capabilities of students with SEN and the pace of consolidation of skills of this preparatory work, it is proposed to introduce project STEM-days, which will be combined into one topic and will have interdisciplinary saturation. It is the method of projects that involves independent activity of students and promotes the development of the child as a creative person. In addition, this method allows you to reveal any topic in the relationship of all subjects. To reveal the practical content of the issue, the topic “Water”, sub-theme “Water in the senses and feelings” is highlighted, not only to give students information, collect a lot of material, but also to gain sensory experience, reveal the creative potential of each child.


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How to Cite

Derevianko, O. O. (2022). MODERNIZATION OF COMPETENCY LEARNING OF YOUNG SCHOOLCHILDREN WITH VISUAL DISABILITIES THROUGH THE USE OF ADAPTED STEM EDUCATION METHODS (methodical development). Scientific Notes of Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, (3(25), 72–79.