
  • S. Н. Kravets PhD in Pedagogy, Senior Researcher, Senior Researcher Officer of the Laboratory of Foreign Systems of Vocational Education and Training, Doctoral student, the Institute of Vocational Education of NAPS of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine,; ORCID ID:



project culture, motives, values, terminal and instrumental values, vocational teacher.


The article outlines the importance of the project culture developing of a vocational teacher. Based on the peculiarities of the project culture development of the vocational teacher, the concept essence is clarified, which is based on the vocational teacher’s awareness of the moral and value system and society moral culture and their multiplication by the results of project activities in the field of vocational education. Using the methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, implication, survey, and generalization, the content and significance of the motivational and value component of the vocational teacher project culture are substantiated. The motivational and value component drives the development of project culture, and the positive dynamics of the process under study depends on its completeness. The needs for the development of the component under study are related to continuous professional development and the creative potential realization of the individual on the way to achieving acme peaks in personal, social, and professional activities. Motivation, combined with intelligence and abilities, forms a system of sustainable motives for the conscious development of project culture based on morally relevant values. The article presents the survey results of teachers on prioritizing terminal and instrumental values for the development of project culture. It was found that creative, active and productive activity, autonomy and independence, maximum use of one’s capabilities, strengths and abilities, broad-mindedness and education are the values of the second level of priority (less than 50%). It is summarized that the process of developing the vocational teachers project culture in the intercourse period of in-service training determines changes in the priority of values, which are based on the subject’s personal focus on continuous professional development based on professional experience.


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How to Cite

Kravets S. Н. (2023). MOTIVATIONAL AND VALUE COMPONENT OF THE VOCATIONAL TEACHER PROJECT CULTURE. Scientific Notes of Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, (1(26), 65–71.