
  • I. I. Lipchanchuk acting Head, Higher vocational school of Lviv State University of Life Safety, Vinnytsia, Ukraine,; ORCID ID:
  • V. V. Karashchuk teacher of the cycle commission of humanitarian and fundamental disciplines, Higher vocational school of Lviv State University of Life Safety, Vinnytsia, Ukraine,; ORCID ID:



STEM technology, definitions, philosophy of science and mathematics education, soft skills, model 4c.


The article highlights a list of problematic issues related to the implementation of STEM technology through the prism of philosophical and architectural thinking. Scientific research was analyzed in order to establish the basic definitions of STEM technology. The facts of the open status of many issues in the implementation of STEM education have been revealed. The essence of the educational innovation was established by isolating the core part with its content. The role and place in the context of updating the content of science and mathematics education is argued. Arguments are presented that show that most teachers use only elements of STEM education as a separate teaching method in their professional activities. A well-founded role for the autonomy of education seekers, as the main advantage over traditional forms of education. An analysis of the existing components in the educational programs of secondary, professional, vocational, and higher education institutions was carried out in order to establish their weight share, and a number of problematic issues were identified. The main reasons for the unpreparedness of many educational institutions for the positive approval of the educational phenomenon are summarized. Assumptions are put forward about the possible emergence of negative scenarios that can lead to the emergence of pseudo-education in case of incorrect integration of natural and mathematical components. The essence of the architectural structure of science and mathematics education is detailed step by step with the use of philosophical pedagogical thinking. The special place of the competence approach, the “model 4c” concept was determined and the expectation of drastic changes with the new rules of the game at NUS was confirmed. Proposals for the step-by-step integration of science components with mathematics for the construction of STEM education are put forward. Formulated conclusions regarding the content of the work with prospects for further research.


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How to Cite

Lipchanchuk, I. I., & Karashchuk, V. V. (2024). THE ESSENCE OF STEM PHILOSOPHY AND ARCHITECTURE AS THE INNOVATION IN SCIENCE AND MATHEMATICS EDUCATION. Scientific Notes of Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, (3(28), 53–61.