
  • O. M. Bashkyrov PhD in Engineering, Associate Professor, Leading Researcher, Central Scientific Research Institute of Armament and Military Equipment of Armed Forces of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine, [email protected]; ORCID ID:
  • O. P. Krushenytskyi student, the Institute of Information and Communication Technologies and Cyber Defense of National Defense University of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine, [email protected]; ORCID ID:
  • A. Yu. Dmytrenko student, the Institute of Information and Communication Technologies and Cyber Defense of National Defense University of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine, [email protected]; ORCID ID:



cyber defense, cybersecurity training, cyber range.


In recent years, russian intelligence agencies have demonstrated the capability to overcome security measures even in well-protected companies and government networks worldwide, including the security system of the U. S. military base on Guam. According to estimates from the Security Service of Ukraine, russia is currently carrying out around 10 cyber attacks on Ukraine daily. Therefore, the training of cybersecurity professionals for our country, especially in the sector of security and defense in Ukraine, is now an urgent and relevant task. Establishing a robust information security system for critical infrastructure objects is a crucial element of the defense strategy of any country. According to the Military Security Strategy of Ukraine, approved by the President’s Decree on March 25, 2021, enhancing the capabilities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, territorial defense forces, and other components of defense forces to fulfill assigned tasks is a specific priority. One practical direction in implementing this priority is the development of capabilities in ensuring cyber security, cyber protection, and cyber defense, countering aggression in cyberspace during the preparation and conduct of comprehensive defense in Ukraine. Furthermore, the Law of Ukraine “On Education” defines information and communication competence as one of the key competencies of a modern individual. Therefore, this article addresses the timely topic of improving the organization of training for the leadership of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine in the field of ensuring cyber security for the state. The article discusses the tasks of a cyber range and justifies practical ways of their implementation. The experience of some higher education institutions in Ukraine regarding the organizational and technical structure of a cyber range is presented. Using these institutions as examples, the creation of a cyber range at the National Defense University of Ukraine for the training of cyber defense specialists for the Armed Forces of Ukraine and conducting cyber exercises with them is proposed. The article develops proposals regarding its functional structure.


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How to Cite

Bashkyrov, O. M., Krushenytskyi, O. P., & Dmytrenko, A. Y. (2024). ADVANCED INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES FOR THE TRAINING OF CYBER DEFENCE SPECIALISTS OF THE SECURITY AND DEFENCE SECTOR OF UKRAINE. Scientific Notes of Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, (1(29), 21–29.