Formation of graphic competence in the context of an innovative educational cluster


  • I. S. Holiiad PhD in Pedagogу, Associate Professor, Senior Researcher, State Scientific Institution “Institute of Education Content Modernization”, Kyiv, Ukraine, [email protected]; ORCID ID:, Web of Science Researcher ID: ACO‑6691-2022
  • M. A. Tropina graduate student, Dragomanov Ukrainian State University, Kyiv, Ukraine, [email protected]; ORCID ID:



innovative educational cluster, graphic competence, technological profile, graphic training, innovative educational program.


The article highlights the current educational challenges in Ukraine, which contribute to the shortage of highly qualified personnel needed for production, planning, construction, design, and manufacturing-critical areas for the country’s reconstruction, modernization, and the restoration of destroyed infrastructure. The outlined challenges, exacerbated by martial law and the rapid development of digital technologies and technological processes that defy linear measurement, require urgent solutions. The authors propose a multi-level model for training qualified specialists within an innovative educational cluster. This model enables the scientific and pedagogical team to work on implementing conceptual ideas to ensure the continuous development of Ukraine’s human potential. Emphasis is placed on practical training that fosters the formation of graphical competency components, aligning with the needs of modern society. The article presents a detailed list of graphical competencies necessary for training specialists in the technological field. Various aspects of graphical activity are detailed, from algorithmic image generation to the creation of interactive interfaces. The mentioned software tools demonstrate the practical application of each competency in modern technological processes. This comprehensive approach ensures the thorough preparation of specialists capable of effectively working with graphical information across different industries. Insufficient attention to the training and retraining of technological specialists will lead to a slowdown in innovative development, problems in infrastructure restoration and modernization, and increased economic losses. Implementing the proposed model for specialist training will allow for the preparation of highly qualified personnel necessary for the country’s reconstruction and modernization, ensure sustainable economic development, improve the population’s standard of living, and strengthen Ukraine’s defense capability in the face of contemporary challenges.


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How to Cite

Holiiad, I., & Tropina, M. (2024). Formation of graphic competence in the context of an innovative educational cluster. Scientific Notes of Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, (№ 3 (31), 3–12.