Scientific speech: linguistic and pedagogical aspects


  • I. M. Shevchenko Methodist, NC “Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine”, post graduate student, researcher, the Institute of Gifted Children of the NАES of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine, [email protected]; ORCID ID:



scientific literacy, primary school students, research activity, language, speech, thinking, functional style, scientific style, scientific and educational speech as a substyle.


The article considers the problem of the development of scientific communication in the context of modern educational requests, in particular, the formation of scientific literacy of students. A general analysis of research and publications on current issues of scientific style, educational and research activities of students and the formation of their scientific speech is presented. The history of the formation of the scientific style of the Ukrainian language is analytically presented — the stages of development and research of the scientific language. The conceptual field of the term “scientific speech” is systematized, including such basic concepts as: “language”, “speech”, “language functions”, “communicative qualities of speech”, “functional style”, “scientific style”, “functions of scientific style”, “substyles of scientific speech” etc. The development of scientific broadcasting in Ukraine at the end of the 19th century is presented chronologically. 21st century The factors that determine the linguistic­stylistic specificity of the scientific style and cause the separation of scientific and educational speech into a separate variety are outlined. Emphasis is placed on the importance of educational texts in the development of students’ speech, which are characterized by informative, substantive, terminological, and stylistic aspects. Attention is focused on the text­centric approach developed by modern pedagogues­scientists to the development of students’ scientific speech. Some features of the understanding of the language of science by foreign scientists are considered. The results of the analysis of scientific domestic and foreign sources indicate that the problem of the formation of scientific speech of students, in particular of younger schoolchildren, requires further study, generalization and systematization.


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How to Cite

Shevchenko, I. M. (2024). Scientific speech: linguistic and pedagogical aspects. Scientific Notes of Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, (2(30), 137–148.