Mutual influence definition of high school students’ basic educational dominants and aspiration levels
The appearance of synergistic effect in the humanist (by L. Zade definition) educational systems according to known Hegelian law should be accompanied by quantitative and qualitative transformations of certain indicators characterizing the human factors influence on decision making. It is proved that such indicators are basic educatio- nal dominants which determine the attitude towards risk and characterize the motivation to achieve success (risk-- taking) / failure avoidance (risk aversion) and the aspiration level, which is one of personality backbone factors and characterize the self-assessment adequacy. Basic educational dominants are found through the solution of the closed decision-making task by constructing a limited points number (five) and further analysis of the estimated utility function of the 12-point scale continuum. Characteristic points of this function are the so-called determined lottery equivalents with corresponding utility n0,25, n0,5, n0,75.The aspiration levels are found through the open decision-making problem solution by constructing on a formal- ly unlimited number of points and further utility function analysis of the 12-point scale continuum. Characteristic points of the estimation function: n– the education result, which corresponds to the negative jump of usefulness in the imagination of those, who study on the acceptability of a particular level of the scale; n0 — the education result, which corresponds to the transition from a negative to a positive perception ratings of the scale; n* is the learning outcome that corresponds to the maximum positive jump of usefulness in the perception of a certain mark on the scale, which in this case is considered as the aspiration level. The m = 208 ninth-graders set the ratio of people who are vulnerable, indifferent and risk-taking in the proportion: VUL: IND: RT 1: 2.27: 10.6.By the prioritization method it was dephased a qualitative rank estimates of 12-point scale giving them corresponding weighted coefficients of significance. Students’ aspiration levels identity regardless of attitude to risk is established, as well as greater consistency of opinions of those tested regarding the acceptability of higher scale scores. Charac- teristic points’ correlation analysis of the utility functions constructed for closed and open decision-making problems revealed a statistically probable relationship between the characteristic points: n0,25–n–, n0,5–n0, n0,75–n*.
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