Theoretical basis of integrative approaches studying of STEM-education programs implementation in secondary educational institutions of Ukraine
secondary educational institutions of Ukraine, STEM education, transdisciplinary approachAbstract
The article examines integrative approaches of educational STEM programs implementation in secondary educational institutions. The concept of “STEM education” is not stable. The views of experts on its content are revealed through such generalized components as pedagogical technology (pedagogical process), focus on practical tasks and problem-based learning. At the same time, integrative approaches find application in the disciplines, the sequence of courses, and in a separate course. Generalization of the definitions of the concept “STEM education”, proposed by various experts, made it possible to understand it as a joint activity, interaction and cooperation of teachers, students and stakeholders, aimed at overcoming the fragmentation of knowledge by eliminating boundaries between them, integrating content components. It provides the formation of key competencies necessary for further employment and life activity in the conditions of the formation and development of new branches of knowledge. The article describes the general features of the learning organization in accordance with disciplinary, multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary approaches. In the context of transdisciplinarity, the prospects for the development of educational programs in secondary educational institutions of Ukraine is considered. It is possible to single out a number of problems accompanying the process of STEM courses developing and implementing. There are the problem of systematizing the structural and logical links between disciplines to be merged, the problem of professional readiness of teachers specializing in teaching one or two disciplines to take responsibility for mentoring and supporting student’s transdisciplinary projects and modernization of educational laboratories and making of modern STEM centres at secondary educational institution.
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