education, integration, key competencies, teacher-mentor, pupil-researcher.Abstract
The strategy of education development in modern conditions requires a departure from the traditional model, which does not meet the requirements of the time. Therefore, the transition to education on the basis of integration is urgent, which fundamentally changes the content and structure of modern scientific knowledge, leads to its generalization and universalization, since it is integrative processes that are able to take into account the demands of all educational disciplines at the same time. An integrative approach to search and research work makes it possible to create a subject-developmental educational environment for establishing the authorial position of a young researcher, where at each stage of research it is necessary to give the pupil a set of special research knowledge, abilities and skills, a certain independence and freedom for active knowledge of the world, use and transformation of one’s subjective experience, organization of dialogue, search for answers to questions. As a result, such components of key competences are formed in the researcher, which relate not only to the content of education, but also provide for the development of certain skills for life and activity in the social sphere of society. The pupils get the opportunity to learn to independently plan and carry out educational research, which allows the young researcher to make a statement. One of the conditions that positively affects the effectiveness of search and research work is the integration of educational, methodical and research components of the teacher’s work. An integrative approach to search and research work opens the way to close cooperation between the teachermentor and pupil-researcher. The teacher identifies and realizes the potential opportunities of pupils, provides a comprehensive approach in the development of educational projects, stimulates and supports cognitive motivation, creative abilities, persistent interest of pupils in conducting search and research work, finds and sets real research tasks for pupils in a form that is understandable for them, captivates interesting issues, able to be a coordinator, partner and offer help to pupils-researchers when they have such a need. All this ensures the creation of pedagogical conditions that positively affect the quality of the educational process.
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