Geoinformatics in decision-making support systems
geoinformatics, decision support systems, geoinformation systems.Abstract
The article presents geoinformatics as a tool to support decisionmaking in urban and regional development planning, land use, infrastructure, resources, environmental management and spatial analysis. Geoinformatics helps in the preparation, analysis, display and management of geographic data. It is in the functions of analysis and display that Geoinformatics corresponds to decision support systems. Examples of the use of geoinformatics as a component of information support for regional informatization are presented. Geoinformatics plays an important role in the collection, analysis and management of geographic information in various fields. It is a key tool for decision support systems, helping to analyze and plan based on geodata. Remote sensing techniques such as aerial and space sensing are used in agriculture to forecast yields and monitor crops. Geoinformation resources are among the most important resources of the state, without the implementation of which, in principle, it is impossible to perform management functions. The use of geoinformation technologies makes it possible to analyze the structure of the economy, which is becoming more and more complicated, to investigate changes in forms of ownership and cooperation to solve a number of political, socioeconomic, environmental protection, engineering and other problems. Geoinformation technologies help support referendums and elections by displaying the results on a map for analysis and forecasting. Thus, geoinformatics makes the analysis and management of geodata more effective in various fields of activity. The article emphasizes the importance of geoinformatics as a tool for the analysis and management of geographic information in various fields and shows how these technologies can contribute to informed decisionmaking.
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