Educational STEM-project «Mini meteostation»
STEM-education, STEM-project, integration, skills of the XXI century, digital literacy, creativity, sociability, productivityAbstract
The reasons for the need for training highly qualified personnel in the world are identified. The role of science and pedagogy in the preparation of highly qualified specialists implementing technological processes. The main issues and suggestions for their solution are proposed in the article. Skilled professionals with skills of the 21st century and their training in the modern conditions of existence of some countries. Skills of the XXI century: digital, communicative competence, creativity and high productivity of activity and their formation in the modern educational process. STEMeducation is one of the approaches that allows you to prepare children for the actively progressing development of technology and not only. The introduction of the main directions of STEM-education in Malaysia, Indonesia, the United States of America, and Ukraine is highlighted. Countries have different levels of economic development and different potentials for the development of education. But each of the certain states embodies approaches consistent with the principle of STEM-education. Examples of the implementation of STEM-education in the form of the implementation of STEM-projects in the above states are given. In Malaysia, the stage of introducing STEM-education through the implementation of integrated learning in educational institutions of the country. Indonesia introduces STEMeducation through the implementation of STEM-projects in which the integration of individual branches of science and technology is implemented. The United States is introducing targeted STEM-projects that attract professionals, teachers, and children. Ukraine introduces STEM-education through the implementation of STEM training projects or research projects that integrate several academic disciplines. The article presents, as an example, an educational STEM-project for sixth graders “Mini Weather Station”. The purpose of which is to impoverish knowledge from several academic disciplines than to show the integration of knowledge as a whole. This STEM-project allows us to identify in children a tendency to design, invent, protect nature, organizational abilities and others.
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