distance learning, biology lab, educational platform, Microsoft Office 365, Microsoft Teams, digital educational environment.Abstract
The successful mastery of biological concepts depends on combining theoretical knowledge with practical activities, which can be difficult to achieve in the context of distance learning. The purpose of this article is to describe the tools for creating a cloud-oriented educational environment and the algorithm for conducting a distance biology lab. Natural science and technology subjects in general education programs have an experimental component that can be implemented through students’ laboratory and practical work. The use of independent learning experiments in the didactic process of natural sciences is psychologically and pedagogically justified and confirmed by educational practice. To achieve successful distance learning in biology, it is necessary to follow a certain algorithm that includes the use of various information tools and platforms for distance learning: audio-visual tools, information and communication technologies, devices and equipment for demonstration experiments, educational and methodological materials, and so on. The first step in preparing for a distance biology lab is to choose a platform for distance learning that should be easy to use and have the capabilities for video conferencing, uploading educational materials, tasks, and other resources. Students should have access to the necessary materials, including textbooks, additional manuals, video lessons, and other resources that will help them master theoretical knowledge. For practical work, students can use special simulators, virtual laboratories, and other online tools. The article also provides examples of practical work for grade 10 and means of implementing them in a distance format. Therefore, distance learning in biology can be effective if appropriate information tools and platforms for distance learning are used.
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