Visualization, medical and pharmaceutical education, institution of higher education, chemical disciplines, forms and methods of education.Abstract
The article emphasizes the problems of visual learning and teaching of chemical disciplines, in particular visualization. An analysis of the scientific literature was carried out and unresolved issues were highlighted. Scientists are actively discussing the introduction of methods and forms of learning using visualization elements into the educational process. However, there is a need to specify pedagogical tools for chemical disciplines by future medical and pharmaceutical workers. This study presents various methods of visualization that can be used for studying chemistry by students not only during classroom work, but also when involved in research extracurricular activities in medical and pharmaceutical education institutions. Education using visualization can be organized in various forms and with the help of certain methods, namely: lectures, laboratory works, group discussions and presentations, virtual laboratories, multimedia courses, video experiments, practical classes. Visualization methods are effective tools in teaching chemistry, especially when learning complex theories and processes. Visual materials help learners focus on key concepts, understand the connections between them, and remember the material more easily. The article presents a variety of visualization techniques such as charts, graphs, charts, animations, and models. Each of them has its advantages and disadvantages, and is used in connection with the need and purpose of specific training. The use of visualization methods can be an excellent form of learning that allows students to be more active and focused, and also promotes the assimilation of knowledge. To achieve these goals, it is necessary to ensure proper preparation and development of visual materials that would meet pedagogical needs and the purpose of learning. Therefore, visualization in the study of chemical disciplines can be a useful tool to facilitate the learning process and increase the level of assimilation of the material. It is important to remember that informational materials must be properly designed and prepared, as well as take into account the individual needs of students.
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