creative competitions for students, formation of competences in the field of natural sciences, engineering and technology, technical creativity, the role of the manager at the main stages of preparation for competitions.Abstract
The article provides the author’s solution to the problem of pedagogical support for students at the main stages of preparation for competitions in the system of the Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. The All-Ukrainian competition for the defense of scientific research works of students — members of the National Academy of Sciences is aimed at identifying and developing gifted students, and involving them in research, scientific, project, design, invention and search activities. The article provides a methodical analysis of such main stages of preparing students for competitions in the MAN system as: choosing a direction of research, setting a problem, formulating a technical task, analyzing existing solutions with highlighting their shortcomings, searching for ideas and their further development, theoretical and experimental research of the proposed solution, approbation and implementation of the invention, design of scientific research work, creation of means of visualization of the results of scientific research, preparation of the student for public defense of the work. The methodical analysis of each of the stages is illustrated by examples from the student project “Portable current source for powering low-power devices”. The given methodical analysis will be especially useful for novice teachers who aim to create favorable conditions for the organization of students’ creative activities.
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