comparative pedagogy, professional training of music art teachers, new technologies and methods of music pedagogy, vocal and pedagogical technology.Abstract
Today, musical and pedagogical education holds an important place in the sphere of cultural achievements of the leading countries of the world. It is undeniable that the stage of development of any country is determined by its cultural level. Musical art plays an important role, as it is intended for an individual and has a huge effect on the formation of worldview values of young people. At the same time, it opens the possibility of a wide exchange between countries and peoples in the field of culture, because music is definitely a language of international communication. Despite the importance of scientific development in the field of music education and pedagogy, the issue of professional training of future music teachers in Ukraine and Israel remains underdeveloped. The study and analysis of new methods and trends in the field of music education determines the prospects for the further development of pedagogical thought. Comprehension of the new global pedagogical experience of different countries and comparative analysis of the theory and practice of educational activity spreads the worldview, enriches the experience, promotes the mastery of new methods and educational technologies, motivates and provides a new creative impetus of pedagogical development. The article is devoted to highlighting new methods of training future teachers of musical art in the process of professional training in a higher School of Art in Israel. The achievements in Israeli national system of music education are highlighted; the pedagogical problem of active perception organizing, and performance of musical works is creatively solved. The musical-pedagogical methods such as “mirror”, “plastic intonation”, and the method of body-oriented psychotherapy are considered. These methods are used in musical education for students of the Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance, as well as in the education of children and youth in musical institutions of Israel.
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