professional adaptation, professional self-realization, motivation, self-evaluation, work, specialist, market, competence, competition.Abstract
The article emphasizes that the respondents are insufficiently aware of the value of the personal role of the results of their own work, their own professional development, the level of their professionalization as factors of work efficiency and the professional activity of the work institution, which significantly affects the competitiveness of future specialists, the effectiveness of their work, success and self-realization in the modern labor market. In modern working conditions, in the conditions of market transformations, the problem of professional adaptation acquires special importance. Strictly speaking, this is a problem of ability, which is characterized, first of all, by the level of activity of a specialist in the implementation of outlined goals regarding professional choice in solving real problems and situations at the stage of professional formation and professional self-development in new conditions of activity. A condition for successful professional adaptation and self-realization of young people is persistent and intense work, first of all, in mastering modern personal and professional competencies, conditions for self-development, readiness for independent professional choice at all stages of professional development. The implementation of professional and pedagogical adaptation of the future specialist involves, first of all, the formation of an individual style of activity, provided that the selection of adaptive factors is carried out by analyzing the personal and professional potential of the future specialist, comparing the professional and personal orientations and capabilities of the individual, comparing them with the capabilities of the individual himself in relation to the realities of pedagogical activity in conditions of market changes.
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