Science education: searching of the effective publication practices
science education, scientometrics, Scopus, Web of Science, research methodology, publication ethicsAbstract
The article attempts to propose the agenda of problems related to the requirements of the Ukrainian legislation in the research field regarding publications in journals indexed by the Scopus and Web of Science scientific databases to foreign readers of the journal. The provisions of the article have been pre-tested within the framework of the 12th international scientific conference on “Gifted children — intellectual potential of the state” (2019) and have been expanded to take into account the trends of 2020. As a result of the analysis, a number of approaches that could update the publishing strategies of Ukrainian researchers in the field of scientific education were identified. In particular, without claiming the completeness of the recommendations, a number of key recommendations have been formed that can guide potential authors. These include the following principles: authors need to develop a level of English in order to qualitatively develop a source base, to learn to work with English texts from the perspective of the future reader and from the position of the author; writing articles in international journals that are part of scientometric databases requires a distance from the tradition of writing articles in academic journals of Ukraine; for domestic researchers of science education, there is ample opportunity for publications both in specialized journals as well as in journals with related topics (development of giftedness; information technologies in education, etc.); researchers should develop international contacts with experienced authors in the field of science education and initiate joint research and publications as a result; mastering search tools of scientometric databases is a necessary requirement for preparatory steps that precede the preparation of the text; reseacrchers should get used to long and painstaking work with reviewers, which precedes the acceptance of the article to print; authors should avoid predatory models when presenting research results through developed awareness of international standards of publication ethics and academic integrity.
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