Implementation of the teaching of higher mathematics in distance education: practical experience and challenges
distance learning, higher mathematics, distance education technologies, information technologies.Abstract
Distance learning has become an integral part of the educational process in the modern world, as well as in Ukraine. However, the implementation of higher mathematics in the distance learning format is a challenge due to its abstractness and the need for interaction between students and teachers.The relevance of this article is due to the need to ensure a high level of teaching higher mathematics in the conditions of distance learning. The teacher needs to show not only high competence and professionalism, but also a creative approach to teaching and the ability to introduce information technologies into the educational process. This article explores the practical experience and challenges of implementing higher mathematics in distance learning. By analyzing real cases of teaching higher mathematics in a distance format, the article examines the different approaches and strategies used by teachers to ensure quality learning. Particular attention is paid to the problems faced by teachers and students, such as the loss of personal contact, technical difficulties and socio-psychological aspects.This study highlights the methods, technologies and strategies that allow effective implementation of the educational process of learning and the possibility of teaching higher mathematics to studentsin a remote format. The results of the study indicate successful approaches to the organization of distance learning of higher mathematics, and also identify factors that can affect the effectiveness of this process. This work contributes to understanding and improving the practice of distance teaching of higher mathematics, taking into account the different needs and capabilities of students and teachers. The study also highlights various technology implementation methods and adaptation strategies that help overcome these challenges. The conclusions of the article are intended to contribute to the improvement of the process of teaching higher mathematics in a distance format and the development of effective educational approaches in the modern educational environment.
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