Ways of ensuring an efficient educational process using elements of distance education
distance education, primary school, quality of distance education in primary school, factors affecting distance education.Abstract
Over the past four years, distance education in primary school has become an objective necessity and, at the same time, a significant challenge for all participants in the educational process. The introduction of an distance education for an primary school was unexpected and caused a significant number of complaints. The idea of organizing distance learning is not new, but with the widespread use of computers in educational institutions of Ukraine, it has gained considerable popularity. Over the past twenty years, considerable experience has been accumulated regarding distance learning. In the scientific literature, approaches to the organization of educational activities of high school students, students of higher education, and adults in the course of advanced training are considered in sufficient detail. However, distance education of junior primary school studentsin the publications of educatorsis considered mainly at the level of description of practical experience and needs additional research and generalization. A significant number of scientists, heads of primary education institutions and parents of younger students consider this form of education problematic. At the same time, there is a rapid increase in the number of people who become supporters of the remote form of education of their own children for reasons of epidemiological safety, avoiding threats to the child’s life from the consequences of military events, peculiarities of the place of stay, etc. The scientific article examines the issue of ensuring the quality of distance education in primary school, factors affecting the quality of distance education are highlighted, the criteria for selected factors are described.
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