The use of the “new nature” texts during the linguistic-literary educational field learning in primary school


  • H. S. Odyntsova PhD in Philology, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Department of philological disciplines for primary and preschool Education, Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatyuk National Pedagogical University, Ternopil, Ukraine, [email protected]; ORCID ID:



“new nature” texts, reading comprehension, online services, primary school pupils.


In the era of rapid technological advancements, continuous updates of knowledge and skills are required. Therefore, the importance of continuous learning, a key competency of the modern individual, cannot be overstated. This competency is intricately linked to reading, as it enables individuals to understand, analyze, assess, and utilize information for self-development. The formation of a person’s reading competency starts in junior school. Exactly then, not only the basic knowledge, abilities, and skills related to reading as a process are initiated but also the attention on quality reading (“conscious reading”, “comprehensive reading”), which, as the results of international research on the quality of education PISA-2022 show, is still relevant in the context of pupil’s reading literacy. The article focuses on analyzing the educational texts of the book, which are the main source of knowledge for primary school pupils. It points to the peculiarities of the “new nature” texts as the ones that combine the elements of different semiotic systems — verbal (literal) and non-verbal (iconic). The leading information transmission means in the “new nature” texts are described. It has been highlighted that during the linguistic-literary educational field learning in primary school, the “new nature” texts must be used considering the didactic possibilities of Ukrainian language and literature lessons and age-related features of primary school pupils. For better comprehension of educational information, the following “new nature” texts are to be used: poem picture, cross sens, cloud of words, Venn diagram, fishbone, mental map, etc. All of them can be created via various online services. However, despite the types of texts offered for learning in primary school, the educator must always consider the problem of reading comprehension skill formation.


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How to Cite

Odyntsova, H. S. (2024). The use of the “new nature” texts during the linguistic-literary educational field learning in primary school. Scientific Notes of Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, (№ 3 (31), 98–104.