Theoretical and practical principles of organization of educational activities in the National Center “Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine”
afterschool education, educational project, educational activity, the National Centre “Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine”.Abstract
In the article the relevance of improving the quality of afterschool education, which is due to the needs of its development, is noted; the need to develop and implement innovative educational technologies and approaches to modernize the activities of afterschool education institutions is actualized; the importance of creating conditions for the purposeful intellectual and creative development of students and forming their skills for the attained knowledge application in educational, search, research and creative activities is emphasized; some conceptual ideas for the implementation of the educational potential of afterschool education institutions, providing the of afterschool educational environment modernization are generalized; some means of integration and innovative processes updating that ensure the increase the level of educational activity and competitiveness of afterschool education institutions are identified; the importance of organisation of educational process taking into account the needs, individual characteristics and uniqueness of life experience of each student is marked; the importance of combining classical and innovative educational technologies and methods that provide the possibility of a wide choice of content, forms, means of organizing educational activities is emphasized. The author pays special attention to the problem of formation of theoretical and methodological principles of practically oriented educational process in the National Centre “Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine” in the course of educational projects implementing; defines the forms of individual, group and collective work with students, ensuring the goal achievement and the tasks of educational projects solving; stresses the need for monitoring and proposes its modalities; analyses the significance of educational projects for the development of the system of afterschool education in general; outlines the problem of improvement and modernization of educational and methodological support of educational projects which needs further detailed studying.
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