Gamification in contemporary ukrainian research


  • D. V. Kasyanov PhD in Philosophy, Senior Researcher of Department of Creating and Using Intelligent Networking tools, the NC “Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine”, Kyiv, Ukraine, [email protected]; ORCID ID:



gamification, methods, games, social communication.


This article highlights the results of scientific research in the field of gamification within the Ukrainian context. Recent publications concerning gamification in Ukrainian scholarly journals are analyzed. The primary focus is on the application of gamification in education, spanning from primary to higher education. It is emphasized that in higher education, gamification facilitates individualized learning and enhances its quality. Research indicates that gamification can boost student motivation and aid in the development of more effective and personalized educational programs. Furthermore, philosophical aspects of gamification are examined, including its impact on ethics, power dynamics, authenticity, the meaning of life, and social justice through the lenses of psychology, management, and marketing. Analyzed studies also underscore the positive impact of gamification on human interaction, albeit highlighting potential risks such as student distraction, possible adverse effects of gadgets on health, and challenges in organizing gaming activities. Scholars’ opinions regarding the negative influence of gamification on youth through the potential impact of games on mental health are presented. The necessity for developing theoretical approaches and methodologies to better understand and utilize gamification across various domains is indicated. Several directions for further studying gamification from the perspectives of ethics and social sciences are proposed. The outcome is an understanding that philosophy can aid in comprehending the deeper aspects of gamification and its impact on society, individuals, and the world.


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How to Cite

Kasyanov, D. V. (2024). Gamification in contemporary ukrainian research. Scientific Notes of Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, (2(30), 119–127.