
  • M. H. Piven senior teacher, Sumy Establishment of General Secondary Education of I–III levels No. 21 of Sumy Сity Сouncil, Sumy, Ukraine, [email protected]; ORCID ID:
  • H. F. Sudareva senior lecturer of the Department of Pedagogy, Special Education and Management, KZ Sumy Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education, Sumy, Ukraine, [email protected]; ORCID ID:



STEM-education, STEM-technologies, case-method, technology of contextual learning, STEM-competences, new Ukrainian school.


The article reveals important aspects of the introduction of the history of STEM technologies in the school curriculum as a means of implementing STEM education. The purpose of STEM education is to purposefully create links between school and social practices, between the educational process and the whole world in terms of developing the child's natural abilities, the level of which will determine his successful self-realization both in school and out of school. The student not only learns to generate interesting ideas, but also immediately implements them, learns to plan their activities based on the task and available resources, which will definitely be useful to him in real life. Based on the essence and purpose of STEM education, its implementation requires a radical change in existing programs and forms of education in the educational institution. It was found that the problem of STEM education in Ukrainian schools is broader than the modernization of teaching only natural sciences and mathematics, and is relevant to subjects of all fields without exception, including history. The information field on better understanding of the methodology of STEM education through innovative methods, tools and forms of organization of the educational process has been expanded: case studies, contextual learning technology; work with primary sources, texts in English, infographics, QR-codes, artistic images; integration with STEM disciplines. It is determined that common to this type of technology is an integrated approach to learning, which is based on establishing links between school subjects or school subjects and science, life, professions. The given examples of lessons prove the effectiveness of these tools in the development of competencies of students of the new Ukrainian school, namely: educational and informational; communicative (social); mastery of methods of analysis and critical thinking, ability to work with text; experience of decision-making, actions in a new situation, problem solving; skills of independent work and teamwork that are important in the future profession, in particular the STEM profession.


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How to Cite

Piven, M., & Sudareva, H. (2022). INNOVATIVE APPROACHES TO STEM-EDUCATION IMPLEMENTATION ON HISTORY LESSONS. Scientific Notes of Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, (3(25), 109–117.