Cognitive ergonomics of educational ontology
ontology, cognitive load, ontology metric, cognitive ergonomics, educational resourcesAbstract
The article provides a brief analysis of studies on the use of ontologies for developing curricula, creating descriptions of their contents in the form of courses and information resources, improving the mechanisms for recommending academic sources and resources, academic assessment, management of a higher educational institution, integrating academic data and ontology-based repositories, which showed that ontology is a useful means of organizing information in the educational process. Criteria and methods for ontology metric evaluation for compliance with application requirements, increasing the availability of information for assimilation and gaining the possibility of their reuse in order to reduce the time and financial costs of modernizing existing and developing new knowledge base models are considered. A brief description of cognitive ergonomics metrics that affect the perception and ability to remember information presented in ontologies is given. The dependence of the ontology efficiency on its metrics, on the basis of which a list of cognitive-perceptual principles of developing an educational ontology is presented, is determined. The basics of the cognitive load theory and its application in the development of training resources based on ontologies are considered. A description of the cognitive load types that an educational ontology can cause to determine ways to optimize it is given. Practical advice for developers of educational ontology for the most effective presentation of information for its assimilation is given. A list of ontology creating tools, including educational purposes, is provided. The main ways of representing knowledge by means of the cognitive IT platform “Polyhedron” taking into account the features of cognitive ergonomics in the process of developing an educational ontology are described.
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