Review of standards for creating training materials in learning management systems


  • V.О. Soldatenko Postgraduate, Institute of Telecommunications and Global Information Space of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine, [email protected]; ORCID ID:



ontology, standard, metrology, training, e-learning course, e-learning, distance learning


Creating educational content requires certain rules for creating content, as well as a number of specific stages of its creation, mechanisms and tools that are directly involved in this process. This paper provides an overview of the standards of creation, maintenance of electronic learning materials using learning management systems, as well as analysis and evaluation of their use of ontological systems. Four generations of standards for the creation and maintenance of e-learning materials and a description of each of them: the name of the standards for creating and maintaining the life cycle of e-learning course, as the basic principle of grouping e-learning materials. For some standards, the abbreviation of the standard name and a description of the features of the version are provided. Separately for each such standard the architecture and features of construction of a training course as the carrier of the educational information, its structural features, the applied software interface, principles of construction of electronic educational content with use of the above-stated standards are described. The question of further prospects for their development remains unanswered. Issues related to the process of designing the components of the training course, establishing links and relationships between them are considered separately. In particular, this review is an attempt to consider the standards of the course as allowing to create materials using ontological systems with hierarchical structuring of teaching materials and its subsequent support, as well as to assess the availability of tools to create ontologies as components for the presentation knowledge. In case of a negative answer, a constructive solution to this problem should be offered.


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How to Cite

Soldatenko , V. (2021). Review of standards for creating training materials in learning management systems. Scientific Notes of Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, (2(18), 88–94.