Examples of using the laws of development of technical systems and the theory of collective development as guards of the success of startups and corporations
theory of invention, history of Henry Ford’s company, laws of development of technology and creative team.Abstract
In the sources regarding the training of high school purplesin invention, the importance of finding solutionsin related branches of production and taking into account the development trends of this technical object is indicated. Importance of applying the laws of development of technical systems and the tendency of S‑shaped development of these systems. Richard Foster has provided many examples of the consequences of applying this tendency or neglecting it. The author of the article selected those that reflect the dependence of the prosperity or possible decline of firms on following these laws and the S‑shaped trend development. At the same time, they are involved in creating new pioneering inventions. But their consideration is very important for motivating high school students to create and implement pioneering inventions. Such consequences can be traced on the example of the occurrence of and development of the Henry Ford Corporation. To solve many problems, leading experts in the theory of invention were involved. Neglect of the laws of the development of technical systems was one of the reasons for the collapse of the USSR. In Ukraine, a group of specialists in the methodology of invention turned to some managers in a coal mine industry with offers to help improve mining equipment to make it more productive. They were refused. Soon the USSR collapsed. The given examples demonstrate the reality of the theory of the development of the creative team as a tool for ensuring the sustainable development of enterprises. Security. It will demonstrate the importance of the conscious use of the theory of invention and its methodological tools, will create a desire to master them and use them in one’s inventive and business activities.
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