
  • V. M. Matsyuk PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor of Department of Physics and Methods of its Teaching, Ternopіl Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University, Ternopіl, Ukraine, [email protected]; ORCID ID:



research competence, formation of research competence, problem solving.


The article considers the possibilities of forming the research competence of high school students. It is highlighted that research competence reveals the level of development of students’ thinking processes and research activity. It is determined that the essence of research competence is to highlight the personal traits of students, which are expressed in the conscious willingness and ability to independently master and acquire systems of new knowledge, based on previously acquired set of knowledge, skills, abilities and methods. It was found that research competence can be formed only in the process of research. The key concepts that determine the necessary conditions for the organization of such activities of students in school are search, independence, initiative, practical action, experiment, teamwork, the situation of ambiguity, contradictions, the presence of different points of view. It has been proven that involvement in research activities is related to the level of readiness for it, which can be characterized by motivational, cognitive, procedural, creative and reflective-evaluation component. It is determined that the effective means of realization of the professional orientation of teaching physics are the emphasis of students on the universality of physical methods; use of practical tasks that illustrate the need for physical knowledge in different situations; use of interdisciplinary links. It was found that for the formation of research competence a special place in the physics course of primary school should be given to educational and research tasks. The importance of the competence approach in the educational process is shown. The concepts of “research competence” and “research activity” are revealed and the connection between them is shown. The research assignments and tasks that can be used during the teaching of physics in primary school in order to form the research competence are proposed.


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How to Cite

Matsyuk, V. M. (2022). FORMATION OF RESEARCH COMPETENCE OF HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS. Scientific Notes of Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, (2(24), 73–81.