
  • K. H. Postova PhD in Psychology, leading research gifted support department, Institute of Gifted Child of NAES of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine, [email protected]; ORCID ID:



educational electronic resource, Internet-resources, research activity, electronic libraries, online-labs, virtual museums.


The article reveals the urgency of using Internet resources in the research activity of teenagers. The main directions of the study of the problem of informatization of education also the use of information resources in research activities. The place of Internet resources in the structure of information resources and in the system of informational of education is defined. The analysis of Internet resources is conducted and the necessity of their use is determined. The possibilities of using the Internet resources at different stages of preparing the research work of schoolchildren are shown. The possibilities of a differentiated approach in the use of Internet resources in the research work of schoolchildren are explored. Methodical recommendations on the organization of scientific research work using Internet resources have been developed. Prospects for the development and use of some Internet resources, such as digital libraries, online laboratories, virtual museums, have been identified. The methods of working with each of the types of resources in the process of solving the research problem are described. In detail, the use of online libraries at the stage of choosing the problems of research also theoretical study of the problem. The use of virtual museums as a motivation for adolescents to research. The functions of virtual laboratories are considered on the stage of experimental testing of the hypothesis in research work. The possibilities of some Internet resources in certain areas of knowledge are highlighted, namely: biology, physics, mineralogy, culturology, art. Examples are given of the use of electronic libraries, virtual museums, virtual laboratories in the research activities of adolescents. The role of the supervisor in the organization of work with Internet resources in the process of research is identified.


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How to Cite

Postova, K. H. (2022). INTERNET RESOURCES IN RESEARCH ACTIVITY TEENAGERS . Scientific Notes of Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, (1(20), 85–94.