transdisciplinarity, transdisciplinary approach, metatheoretical level, multidimensionality, multilevel approach.Abstract
The article is devoted to understanding the metatheoretical foundations of transdisciplinarity. Transdisciplinary dimensions of scientific research are considered, which direct scientific research to comprehend a set of diverse aspects of scientific problems. It is proved that the concept of transdisciplinarity in modern scientific interpretations is to define general methodological parameters, which include the interaction of specific methodologies, tools for forming a holistic scientific picture of the world, demonstrating different aspects of scientific knowledge, correlated with the understanding of certain specific and probable relationships, interdependencies and interactions. Transdisciplinarity is defined as a multi-vector paradigm of scientific knowledge aimed at transforming the way of processing and understanding of any scientific information by recognizing, perceiving certain unknown aspects of reality that have not been previously defined. It is substantiated that the transdisciplinary approach provides multidimension and multilevel research, which is conditioned by the study of scientific problems through the analysis of their diverse projections in different scientific planes, determined by the dynamics of interaction of systems of certain quantities, features, degrees of quality, etc. It is determined that the multilevel and multidimensionality characteristics of the objects of transdisciplinary research correlates with the multifaceted worldview of the subject, which carries out the selection of parameters, forms, research methods. It was found that transdisciplinary research is metatheoretical in nature, as it combines not only empirical and theoretical developments from particular fields of science, but also coordinates them to the level of acceptable interaction from the position of different disciplines, which leads to the formation of certain universal algorithms and principles of interconnection.
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