The ontological approach to Internet knowledge portals design
Internet knowledge portal, ontology, structuration, knowledge, information resources, model, class, relations.Abstract
The paper presents the approach to Internet knowledge portals design based on ontologies. Internet knowledge portals provide users with access to heterogeneous loosely coupled data and information resources of various subject domains. Using such portals as a single access point greatly simplifies the work with information presented on the Internet. In the case of Internet portals representing engineering subject domains information their environment concentrate not only information resources and data, but also a large number of computing resources and web-services that are used to perform certain calculation tasks of engineering subject domains. The ontological approach to Internet knowledge portals design allows to represent and integrate heterogeneous information and computing resources in the process of such portals data and knowledge structuring and systematizing. It is proposed to use ontology as portal knowledge representation model. The Internet knowledge portal general ontology is represented by a system of four interconnected components. The structure of such a system is described, the basic elements of its ontologies, as well as the relations between them, are distinguished. The ontology elements are formalized that allows to organize and optimize semantic search through the Internet knowledge portals information space.
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