
  • А. М. Mykhaliuk PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor of Education and Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences Department of the Faculty of Pedagogical Education, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Kyiv, Ukraine, a.mykhaliuk@kubg,; ORCID ID:



innovation, learning technologies, Edutainment, general pedagogical training, higher education students.


Edutainment is an innovative technology that combines entertainment methods and active learning in order to create an effective balance between information and fun. With the help of modern technologies and multimedia products, Edutainment can be used to present complex topics in an easy and entertaining format, which contributes to the mental relief of students. According to Michael Eddies, the essence of Edutainment technology lies in combining entertaining techniques and methods of interactive and active learning with motivation for exploration and interaction. Sharon De Vary believes that Edutainment is an effective balance between information, multimedia products, psychological techniques, and modern technologies. Rob Donovan emphasizes the possibilities of Edutainment for presenting complex topics in an entertaining way in order to relieve the mental stress of students. Edutainment technology can be used in various fields of education, from primary to higher and adult education. With the help of Edutainment, interest in learning can be increased and it can contribute to more effective assimilation of the material. At the same time, Ukrainian scientists understand Edutainment technology as a set of modern learning tools that combine didactic, informational, and gaming elements for knowledge transfer and skills development. Additionally, they note that the use of entertaining techniques and information technologies contributes to the satisfaction of curiosity and deep fascination with the problem, which promotes more effective learning. The article presents the author’s interpretation of the concept of “Edutainment” as an innovative educational technology that consists of technical and didactic teaching tools, based on the concept of learning through entertainment, aimed at transmitting knowledge and experience and providing the formation of skills and competencies through active practical activities. The importance of Edutainment technology in the process of general pedagogical training of higher education students is disclosed, which will contribute to increasing interest and motivation for learning, ensuring the competitiveness of higher education students, increasing their professional mobility, and developing the ability to communicate freely in the educational process, achieved through the use of game technologies. The results of a survey among first-level (bachelor’s degree) higher education learners are presented, which demonstrated the effectiveness of using Edutainment technology in the process of general pedagogical preparation of higher education learners.


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How to Cite

Mykhaliuk А. М. (2023). EDUTAINMENT AS А MODERN INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGY. Scientific Notes of Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, (1(26), 72–79.