Formation of social competence in adolescence
social competence, social status, social education, teenager, socialization, educational institutioAbstract
The article highlights the formation of adolescents’ social competence. The definitions of the concepts “socialization”, “competence”, “social competence” are given. The focus is on the concept of “social competence”, which is important in adolescence. The term “socialization” in the scientific literature of different branches of science is analyzed. The psychological and pedagogical principles of the organization of the pedagogical process aimed at the development of a healthy personality that can learn through life, think critically, set goals and achieve them, work in a team, communicate in a multicultural environment are considered. The conditions for forming social competence of adolescents are defined. The priorities of the educational process at the New Ukrainian School are described. It is determined that the formation of adolescents’ social competence is through the formation of the ability
of educators to make their own decisions, with the ability to communicate without conflict and tolerance with others, to admit their mistakes, to defend their dignity, rights, to realize their natural opportunities, to lead a healthy lifestyle, to plan their personal and a professional future. The algorithm of professional activity of pedagogical workers is investigated, which provides for revision of methodology of work with participants of educational process; changing emphasis and priority from process to outcome using effective methods of practical psychology and social work. It is proved that a reboot should be psychologically correct, gradually and gradually, with appropriate explanations and instructions. It is determined that the coordinated work of teachers and parents plays an important role in shaping the social competence of adolescents. It is emphasized that the psychological service is intended to teach how to live in peace with oneself and with others, how to enter into relations with the world, so that life is pleasurable.
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