
  • P. O. Bilous Lecturer in Physics and Astronomy, Separate Structural Subdivision “Zaporizhzhia Metallurgical Professional College of Zaporizhzhia National University”, first-year master’s student (subject specialty: “Secondary Education (Physics and Astronomy)”) of the Faculty of Mathematics, Zaporizhzhia National University, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine, [email protected]; ORCID ID:



tournament, non-traditional physics lessons, distance learning, creative abilities, creative competition.


Abstract. The article deals with the problem of conducting and organizing creative competitions (in particular, in the field of physics and technology) in the context of distance learning. The latest research of leading methodologists on innovative forms of education that promote the development of creative abilities of pupils and students is analyzed. The methodological features of organizing and conducting the author’s tournament “The Power of Physics”, which contributes to the development of students’ creative abilities in the framework of extracurricular activities, are highlighted. Examples of tasks for the “Captains’ Contest”, homework assignments, which are communicated to the participants of the tournament and can consist of two parts (experimental and theoretical tasks), author’s tasks “True / false”, “Blitz questions” are given. The scientific novelty is considered, which consists in the development and testing in the educational process of physics of the author’s tournament “The Power of Physics” as a new form of extracurricular activities of students, and the practical significance is determined by the fact that the developed methodological principles of organizing and conducting physics tournaments can be used in the educational process of physics during the training of students in the conditions of distance learning. The pedagogical value of the author’s open tournament “The Power of Physics” is revealed, the experience of which has shown that this event is a favorable basis for the development of creative abilities of students of general secondary schools and students of institutions of professional higher education. It allows pupils and students to develop the ability to generate ideas, ingenuity, non-standard and original thinking; popularize physics as an academic subject; develop the ability to formulate and solve physics problems; develop experimental skills; and use different ways of finding information. Another advantage of this tournament is that it can be conducted both in full-time and distance learning. These tasks can be used not only in extracurricular activities, but also directly in physics classes.


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How to Cite

Bilous, P. O. (2024). TOURNAMENT “POWER OF PHYSICS” AS A BASISFOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF PUPILS’ CREATIVE ABILITIES. Scientific Notes of Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, (1(29), 30–38.