Open educational and scientific information systems as a tool for monitoring electronic scientific professional publications


  • S. M. Ivanova PhD in Pedagogy, Senior Researcher, Head of the Department of Open Education and Scientific Information Systems, Institute for Digitalisation of Education of NAES of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine, [email protected]; ORCID ID:
  • A. V. Kilchenko Researcher of the Department of Open Education and Scientific Information Systems, Institute for Digitalisation of Education of NAES of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine, [email protected]; ORCID ID:
  • T. L. Novytska Researcher of the Department of Open Education and Scientific Information Systems, Institute for Digitalisation of Education of NAES of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine, [email protected]; ORCID ID:



open educational and scientific information systems, electronic scientific professional publication, monitoring, scientometric databases.


The purpose of the study is to identify open and commercial scientometric services and information and analytical systems, to analyze the prospects of their use for monitoring electronic scientific professional publications. Open access educational and scientific information systems are a powerful auxiliary tool for the implementation of scientific research and the publication, dissemination and use of their results. The article analyzes the use of the services of the international search database Google Scholar, the scientometric database Web of Science and the Japanese publishing house Editage to study the monitoring of the Ukrainian electronic scientific professional publication “Information Technologies and Learning Tools”, created on the open platform Open Journal Systems for the publication, dissemination and use of the results of scientific and pedagogical research. The article describes the process of selecting open educational and scientific information systems and highlights their indicative scientometric indicators for monitoring electronic scientific professional journals. The use of digital technology tools for monitoring electronic scientific professional publications makes it possible to track scientometric indicators, the relevance of the content of scientific journals, their rating, the number of downloads and citations of electronic resources of scientific publications by analyzing the values of indicators. The main criteria for the selection of scientometric systems for monitoring scientific professional journals are the principle of their openness, functionality, informativeness, and suitability for the selection of monitoring indicators. The conducted monitoring of the web resource of the Professional Edition shows that the integrated use of selected web services makes it possible to collect variousindicators: citation index— Hirsch index; average Hirsch index of journal authors, rating assessment(top 100 publications — Ukrainian, top 10 national journals by number of publications and top 10 Ukrainian publications by Hirsch index), ranking of journal articles by h5 index and h5 median, number of scientific papers and citations by years; impact factor, etc. The creation and application of new information and digital technologies encourages further research on the use of open educational and scientific information systems.


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How to Cite

Ivanova, S., Kilchenko, A., & Novytska, T. (2024). Open educational and scientific information systems as a tool for monitoring electronic scientific professional publications. Scientific Notes of Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, (№ 3 (31), 21–33.