innovations in education, educational practices, scientific education, specialized science-oriented education, gifted students.Abstract
Integrating into the European Research Area, Ukrainian scientists try to bring local terms and concepts in line with the corresponding international ones, which is not always an easy task since western terminology cannot be translated literally without regard to local scientific tradition that has developed in specific historical conditions. In particular, a large national network of extracurricular research institutions, the Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (JASU), has been operating for nearly a century in Ukraine. It is focused on the nurturing future generation of scientists and inventors, and has an unprecedented range of activities. When selecting an equivalent for an international concept, however, can we call such education a Science education if the JASU applies the scientific method in teaching not only natural sciences and interdisciplinary fields but also humanities and social subjects? And when studying the innovations of the organization, can we consider the use of a scientific method to be innovative, which has been underlying the JASU’s educational activities since its establishment? And at the same time application it in general educational institutions is innovative. During the research and identification of the JASU’s innovative educational practices, we had to address these issues and weigh all subtle aspects. The author presents the results of research into the innovative practices of scientific education where the latter is assigned a broader meaning than science education, taking into account all the disciplinary diversity of the JASU system. However the science education are deemed to be the basis for scientific education and a source of innovation activity enabling to respond to current challenges. The article defines the concepts of “scientific education”, “specialized science-oriented education”, “educational practices of teachers”, “innovative practices in scientific education”, describes the features of scientific education: modern educational trends within certain innovative lines are outlined and substantiated, the principles for identification of the JASU’Ss high-potential innovative practices in the context of scientific education are presented and exemplified.
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