
  • S. M. Loboda D. hab., professor at the Department of Pedagogy, Institute of Sociological Sciences and Pedagogy, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, [email protected]; ORCID ID:
  • P. Yu. Rodionov PhD in Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of Computer Multimedia Technologies, National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine, [email protected]; ORCID ID: 0002-7164-4458



educational process, assessment, peer assessment.


The paper considers the possibility of implementing peer assessment of students in the educational process as a tool to improve the quality of the educational process. For better understanding the peculiarities of teaching students in technical fields, an overview of the educational process in the specialty 186 Publishing and Printing. The peculiarities of this specialty include the widespread use of information technology, a large number of laboratory works, the complexity of using unified tests to assess student performance due to the complexity of tasks, a wide variety of online courses that can be used in teaching, and students’ ability to work on real projects. Given the specifics of the specialty and the needs of students who are associated with the desire to receive quality feedback to improve the quality of work performed it is proposed to use peer assessment as a tool to control knowledge and enhance students’ cognitive activity. The peer assessment broadens students’ thinking horizons by involving them in active learning by providing tools to track their own progress, and allows students to gain experience in evaluating work done. On the other hand, the introduction of the peer assessment can be complicated by insufficient motivation of students, which poses new challenges to teachers. Also, all forms of the peer assessment should be properly organized to maximize the benefits of its use. In general, provided peer assessment, which is properly implemented, looks like a promising tool for improving the quality of the educational process. As prospects for further research, it is recommended to conduct a study among students on the effectiveness of feedback and peer assessment.


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How to Cite

Loboda, S., & Rodionov, P. (2022). THE ROLE AND PLACE OF PEER ASSESSMENT IN TEACHING TECHNICAL SPECIALTY STUDENTS. Scientific Notes of Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, (2(24), 67–72.