Creative environment as a factor of performance of the STEAM approach to the project activity of education acquisitions
STEAMeducation, STEAMproject, creative environment, creative contests for education seekers, subjects of the creative environment.Abstract
One of the primary technological tasks in the 21st century is the transition to alternative energy sources. In Ukraine, this task has gained new relevance due to military actions and significant destruction of the country’s energy system. A necessary condition for the implementation of this task is the availability of scientific, technical and engineering specialists. However, worldwide, there is a trend of decreasing interest among education seekers in studying subjects of natural, technological, mathematical educational fields, which resulted in a low number of those wishing to acquire a profession in the natural and mathematical direction and, accordingly, in the future, specialists who can increase the country’s competitiveness on the world market. Creative contests popular among young people are held in Ukraine every year, at which students of education from all over the country present their STEMprojects — the AllUkrainian competition for the defense of scientific and research works of students who are members of the National Academy of Sciences, the AllUkrainian competition for inventive and rationalizing projects in the ecological and naturalistic direction, the AllUkrainian competition for youth scientific and technical projects “InventorUA”, AllUkrainian scientific and technical competition “EcoTechno Ukraine”, AllUkrainian competition of youth projects on energy saving “Energy and environment”, AllUkrainian competition “Energy efficiency and ecology for schoolchildren”, etc. There is a widespread misconception that student creative projects are the result of the work of only the schoolchildren themselves. This approach is mainly aimed at external motivation and negatively affects the selfesteem of students. From the experience of the authors, a great role in the creation of these projects belongs to the creative environment organized by STEMteachers in the educational space. The article based on the example of the implementation of the innovative team STEAMproject “Portable solar installation “Sun Flower” as a source of thermal energy in the field” substantiates the effective influence of the creative environment on the effectiveness of the productive activities of students.
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